List of required documents


The leading companies in their industries, including from the Fortune Global 500

List of required documents

1. Preliminary list of required documents for certification of management system(s) (hereinafter referred to as CM)
(to determine the possibility of carrying out work):

  • Application for certification;
  • Structural diagram of the Customer’s organization with an indication of administrative and engineering services, main and auxiliary divisions;
  • Information on the current management system (availability of the CM Manual, documented procedures, CM Policy, etc.);
  • List of management system documents.

2. A complete list of required documents for certification of management systems (s) (to start work):

  • Application for certification;
  • ISO 9001 Assessment Sheet;
  • Structural diagram of the organization with an indication of administrative and engineering services, main and auxiliary units;
  • Permits (licenses, certificates for licensed activities);
  • List of management system documents:
    1. Quality policy of SM;
    2. Documented goals in the field of quality of SM;
    3. Interaction and sequence of SM processes;
    4. Scope of SM (types of activities of the applicant).

3. Also, for the analysis of the CM documentation (prior to conducting an on-site audit), the CM CAB may additionally request:

  1. Documents necessary for the organization to ensure effective planning, implementation and management of processes in accordance with the current list of documents of the Customer’s CM.
  2. Records on the results of internal audits;
  3. The list of products for which the CM is certified, indicating regulatory documents and regulations (TR CU, TR RK, ST RK, GOST, etc.)
  4. Copies of reports (certificates) on the quality of products (for one to three years), including:
  5. Generalized information on the quality of manufacturing products based on the results of acceptance control for the year (according to the indicators adopted by the organization);
  6. Generalized information about product defects identified by consumers (according to regulatory authorities, consumer complaints and complaints);
  7. Information relating to customer satisfaction (including consumer complaints);
  8. Information on product inspections by state supervisory authorities (for one to three years);
  9. Information about the unit (organization) that performs acceptance and periodic testing of products;
  10. Information about the main suppliers of raw materials, materials, components;
  11. List of special production and service processes to be validated.

V N I M A N I E, V A F N O!

  1. For convenience and acceleration of work on the analysis of documentation, all necessary documentation and information can be submitted by e-mail: info@sapaiskz. com, in Word and/or PDF and/or JPEG format
  2. The Customer is fully responsible for the accuracy of the documentation and information provided.
  3. CAB SM reserves the right to request all necessary documentation prior to conducting an on-site audit.
  4. We hereby notify our potential customers of what is publicly available (non-confidential) information, namely:
    • information on the status of certification and the results of certification of management systems of a particular customer;
    • information about the name, regulatory document, geographical location (city and country) of a particular certified customer, the geographical area in which he operates, as well as the status of a specific certificate.


implemented projects
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experienced specialists
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modern equipment
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Request a quote

Send us your application and our manager will contact you, consult on all issues and accept your application.
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Step 1

Collect documents

You will need to collect all the necessary documentation for the work.
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Step 2

Performance of work

Depending on your application, we will carry out all the necessary work.
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Step 3


We will issue you a Certificate according to your application.
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Step 4