Certification of management systems
Well Equipped
Testing Lab
The leading companies in their industries, including from the Fortune Global 500

The certificate of conformity of the quality management system (QMS) is a document certifying the compliance of the certified management system of the enterprise with the requirements established by the relevant standards.
The certificate is issued in the information system and printed on a sheet of white paper.
All certificates issued by the certification body are registered and entered into a single electronic register of issued Certificates of Conformity CM.
The main objectives of the certification of the management system
1) Assessment of the degree of compliance of management systems with the requirements of the national standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan ST RK ISO 9001;
2) Assessment of the effectiveness of management systems;
3) Increasing the competitiveness of products and services of Kazakhstani entrepreneurs, including the development and expansion of sales markets.
Certification of management systems is carried out in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the requirements of standards, regulatory documents of the certification system, documented procedures.
Cost of certification services
The cost of management system certification services depends on many factors, primarily on the size of the enterprise, its activities and the number of personnel.
If you have any questions regarding the certification of management systems, please call +7 (727) 399 11 11 or write to e-mail info@sapaiskz.com.